Friday, November 26, 2004


Iit has been almost a week and my wisdom tooth still hurts . The gums around it is swollen, and if I'm not wrong, it may be an ulcer :(

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The company which I am currently working at is a SOHO and my working environment is kindda scary at times. Today, I heard my boss and his other "employee" quarrelling + fighting! *scary*

This is not a good working place for me.

Friday, November 19, 2004

It's YOUR Fault!!

Someone said that to me today. Not once, not twice but trice repeatedly during the 4 minutes phone conversation.

I won't deny the fact that it was partly my fault. BUT when a problem arise, wouldn't it be more appropriate to come up with a solution 1st then blame the person (if u want)

Moreover, he did not understand the situation well enough to blame me; afterall the customer did not see a problem to that as she understands that it's not my fault. Perhaps I've not mastered the skill of looking beyond a situation to foresee any problems arising.

Though he did tell me what to do to prevent further problems from surfacing, I can't help but "hate" him.

Petty I may sound, but this is not the 1st time the "blame" is pushed to me, or rather us (my ex colleagues). Is it really time for me to start flipping the Classifieds Ads???

Thursday, November 11, 2004

What happened during the past 3 weeks

It's been such a long time since I last blogged so this is a pretty long entry

Last week of October
- Received the SIA recruitment letter stating that I've been selected for the 1st round of interview. Was so excited and was planning what I should wear that day.

1st week of November
- Fed the mosquitoes in my office and my legs are scared with their bites.
- Can't wear a skirt for the interview as the scars are so terrible after I scratched them - very red and bruised.
- Bought a pair of pointed heels from Charles and Keith for only $37 and I love it.

Huili went for the interview early in the morning at 8.30am. We had a talk over the phone and she told me to prepare for a self intro as that's the time to impress the interviewers within 3 minutes. So, my sis went through with me how I should introduce myself - talk about past job experiences etc... Tried to memories my self-intro "script" during the next one hour.

Fast forward to interview:
I was the 2nd to introduce myself and the interviewers said we have 1-11/2 minutes. How am I going to shorten my 3 minutes intro to 11/2 minutes??? Soon it was my turn. I stood up and started talking. I don't really remember what I said as I was so freaking nervous and I think I just blabbered out anything that I remember. I knew I was not going to make it through. 3 people made it through to the next round from our group of 10.

I screwed it up totally - I was so not calm and confident enough.

To make myself feel better, I went to Changi airport to meet up with mummy to try the "famous" Poepye chicken. The set me cost $7 and the only thing I like about set is the fries and the Pepsi drink...The food there is just not my taste and I was feeling worse as I sensed that I was getting a sore throat soon.

I'll definitely send in my application in the next recruitment drive and if I do get to go the 1st round of interview again, I'll just do a simple and true introduction of myself. Oh yes, I'll also not be too bothered on what to wear, because now, I truly believe that you may dressed to kill but if you can't present yourself well, it's just not what they're looking out for.