Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Free Labour???

One of my clients is simply taking me for granted. She wants me to help her scan in her products into the system!!! EXCUSE ME!!! I am not one of your staff ok! Even though I've helped her key in some stuffs previously but it does't mean that I'll be helping you all the time. Well, I have a suggestion on for her - stop MSNing and spend more time WORKING.
And when I told her to ask her beautician to help her, she said they're busy with facials and training. I told her I'll be busy this week and I can assist her through the phone. Then she said that we're supposed to help her.
Yes, my job is to help her in terms of training and assisting but not doing HER job.

I'll be asking her to sign lots of stuffs later so that she can't deny the fact that I've been training her on how to do those things.

She's getting on my nerves already!!!

Monday, December 27, 2004

Merry X'Mas!!!

Yesterday, I always surfing the web and came upon a blog of a girl. Like me, she just graduated from poly and is working too.
Her office Santa gave her a big Christmas this year - IPod Mini from her bosses this Christmas *Envy*AND with her name engraved behind *ENVY*ENVY*

How great it is to be working in a good company whereby you enjoy what you're doing and your colleagues are great people to work with.

My office
Santa - "Merry Christmas Geraldine" (-.-)

Allow me to rant again:
I don't like my present job in terms of working environment and my colleagues. Not that they're mean or nasty people but it seems to me that I'm not treated as one of the staff here. Well, why do I think so? - I was not invited to the Christmas party or any gatherings...
Forget about asking me about my 13 month bonus or any incentives. I was even reprimanded when I ask about my overseas allowance the other time.

On a happier note:
My Santa @ home is GREAT!!!
- My long awaited MP3 player is finally in my hands... Thanks to sis for paying half of it and her bf for helping us get such a good price.
- Received my 21st birthday present from Mum (and my b'day is like 10 months away)
- Bought shoes and earrings (cost is shared with my sis)
- Had wonderful lunchs during Christmas Eve, Christmas and Boxing Day!!!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Battle with the Mosquitoes

Wanted to blog about how I forgot to bring my Hp out this morning, and this "crazy" old lady who sat beside me on the bus. But the previous sentence sums up - I had a bad start this morning.

My office has Mosquitoes!!! Actually this is not surprising to me, as I've got bitten too many times already. My legs are showing how much they're worth (10 cents, 20 cents etc). Despite wearing pants to work yesterday, the VERY hungry mosquito bit my feet. Desperados!!!

Think I'm going to get insect repellent - spray it on my legs/feet before I go to work everyday.

I wonder how many people do the above before going to work??? Except for those army guys...

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Wanted to blog since last Saturday but was rather bored/tired to do so.

Went to my client's grand opening (G.O) at Suntec on Saturday and understand the meaning of GO. G.O for business owners = selling of packages to everyone. G.O to me = $406 flew out of wallet unwillingly. I'll be having my facials there forthe next 7 months. Let's see how it goes... it better be good manz...

Singapore Idol:
Before the show started, I was thinking that I'll vote for who ever sing well. In the end I voted about 15 times for Sly. Don't know why I voted so many times, but seeing him last night just made my sis and I voting for him "crazily". Our combined votes of 30 was not enough to make him the first Singapore Idol. Was feeling a little sad when Gurmit announced that the winner is Taulfik. No doubt, he sings well, but he just doesn't appeal to me.

I got to track my expenses rather tightly now, though I make sure that I don't spend more than $500 per month, my remaining salary seems to disappear. On the other hand, I've FINALLY received my Sept, Oct and Nov claims. Yeah!!!