Monday, May 28, 2007

( - ) Negative Updates...

There’s not much positive stuffs happening around me therefore the lack of update. Rants below:

-Work SUCKS BIG time! Can’t wait for the day to come when I’ll throw the resignation letter in their face ;p
- School will soon be packed with projects and tests . It certainly doesn’t help to have a super kiasu/straight As/negative thinking classmate in my group. But, maybe her kiasuism will be a good influence to me?!?
- GSS is here but my bank accounts forbids me to drought it further.

Meeting the gals this Wed!! Cant wait to gorge and rant!

Monday, May 14, 2007


I can't wait to go home and watch The Foxy Lady!!!

The lead, Chun Jeong-Myung is so cute...

With Be Strong, Geum-Soon! And Smile Again on the my watch list, I’ll be having Korean dramas marathons soon these few weeks...

Friday, May 11, 2007

I can live without chilli!!

Wow, it has been 2 weeks since I last touched those red hot stuff. My beautician told me to keep them away from my plate to “test” if chillies are affecting my bad complexion. Though I’m not very sure if it's helping, it seems like my complexion are “seeing some light at the end of the tunnel” keke. Fingers crossed!!!

School has officially started last week - 3 modules for this term. For the 1st time in my entire life, I enjoyed my lesson, 1 particular module that is – Consumer Behaviour. The lecturer rocks!!! He’s so interesting and despite ending the lessons slightly later after10pm, I don’t have the “stop talking and end the lesson” feeling. Respect. Unfortunately, we do have 1 uninteresting lecturer for organisational development :(

Class of 29 pax and lets hope that they’ll be a fun bunch of people to have fun + mugging our books together ;p

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Phantom is Back!

Despite watching it in London back in 2004, I knew I had to get the tickets when adverts splashed across the newspaper in around Oct last year. Using Mummy’s DBS card, we got the supposedly last show - 15th Apr during the priority booking period. I was so excited with the fact that we got Cat 1, middle seats + “last show” tickets. Who knows.... Due to GOOD response, the show was extended to 20th May!!! Anyway, when we bought the tickets last year, Apr seemed like a long time from then. However, time passed by fairly quickly and soon I found myself reminding my always the busy Sis on our “date”.

As her Bday was the next day, the plan was to treat her something nice. Her choice – Areins @ City Hall. Well...she claims that the food did not taste as nice as before, but luckily the apple pie dessert saved the day.

After dinner, we walked to the Esplanade for the much anticipated sold out show. Anyway I suck in writing, therefore, here’s how I’ll describe the show = good seats (smack in the middle column, row P), grand setting, great voice, live band, the Phanthom = definitely worth $135.00!

What’s missing was the courage to stand up to give them a standing ovation. Blame the barang barang on my hand (shawl & clutch)