Thursday, June 28, 2007

Will my time frame of 1 month come true?

The time has come to when enough is enough!

We now pray and hope that we’ll receive positive replies asap.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Nice People

I’m glad that I’m surrounded by some nice and sweet classmates.

The gal who:
- printed chapters of notes for me upon knowing that I can’t do so in the office.
- bought Chewy Junior for me when I casually asked if the stall is near her office.

The couple who:
- assisted in our group project.
- drove us to their home so that we can finish our project with the internet connection.
- cooked dinner while we rushed on our project.
- offered to have a class gathering BBQ at their condo.

: )

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How time flies...half a year is gone

Things hasn’t been going too well for me this month.

Projects deadline plus addtional job scope in the office is adding to the stress level.

Hope everything turns for the better soon...