Saturday, August 22, 2009

What the....

In March, I was tasked by J to work on an invitation design for a conference which was to be held in HCMC. Well, I wouldn’t say that I’m a designer or expert in doing such things but having done some doolings prev, i certainly was interested in this task.

So, I started doing a HCMC city theme with the famous City Hall picture in the invitation. Next, was asked to do an Amazing Race theme. Sure, that sounds fun! I surfed online to check out the amazing race clue card picture and did one out. Then there was some ding dong-ing going on the text etc. Therefore I sent the working file to J to amend the text.

2 days later, he sent the file back and I opened it - other than the size of the card, and the picture of the City Hall, it was with a whole new design and text!!What happened next was damn ironic: Couple of days after the invitation was emailed out, J came to me and said something like "Hey, good job on the invitation, heard some good feedbacks on it"

HUH?? I beg your pardon!!!! Perhaps he was telling me that to show his appreciation of me working on it but seriously, I don’t need that when 90% of what I’ve done has been changed.

When working on such "projects" I can’t help envy the marketing folks whose ideas are always so cool, so apt, so appreciated.


Was roped in to help out for a company’s event sometime in July and did whole lots of stuffs prior to the event and on the actual day itself. As part of the committee, we got to get a jacket each. Therefore I did a size fit from the vendor and made sure I placed the right size order for myself – XS.

So after the event, the event organizer passed me the jacket and I told him I ordered 2 XS - one for myself and other colleague. However, he passed the XS to his participant which left him with only 1 XS now. He then passed me the S and passed the XS to the other colleague! I did so much shit and you cant give me the correct size for the jacket which I placed the order?!!?!

Felt so unappreciated that I dumped the jacket into the cupboard which stores all my samples. I don’t need something which fits too big for me OK….

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hello Uncle Johnny

15th Feb 08 - I didn't got the chance to say "Hello, Uncle Johnny" after my last trip in when I was 12 yrs old, whatsmore a "Goodbye Uncle Johnny" when he left us.

10th Aug 09 - I paid my respects and brought him his favourite chicken rice, bananas and nescafe. Together with Daphne , we stayed for about 20 mins before I threw 2 coins "asking" if he has finished his meal.

I hope he enjoyed it :)