Thursday, December 24, 2009

Be careful what you wish for...

2 yrs back - "Oh, I won’t hesitate to remove my 2 other wisdom tooth too when necessary ;p"

1 colleague had her wisdom tooth removed recently and I said over lunch that I feel like removing my other wisdom tooth too, esp when there was a slight swell around the gums these few days. Lo and behold, the gums started to swell on Mon and experienced pain when chewing on my right side. Went for an Xray on Tue and scheduled the extraction on Wed - 2 days before Xmas!

A minor surgery was done (cutting the gums which was partially covering the lower tooth and drilling was also involved *gasp*) and with that, I was on soft diet for 2 day. "Thankfully" I was able to go back to normal diet on the 3rd day which is Xmas day/Grandma's bday! Mummy cooked up a feast of chix rice, wasabi prawns etcand the greedy me still ate 2 bowls of rice, seating through till the 2nd round as I needed more time to chew. Haha

3 weeks since the extraction and my left tounge is still numb. Read online that the senses might be back to normal in days/weeks/months/years or even NEVER! *Fingers crossed*

2 years later - I didnt really like the experience this time as compared to NDC. There was no calls from the Doctor to check on my (numbness) situation ever since I told him about it when I went to remove my stiches 2 weeks back..*roll eyes*

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Work is...

  • scary when the people you work with are (too) smart in this 'game'
  • funny when people let things happens the way it has become
  • sad that I have to put on a plastic mask when dealing with certain people
  • fun when I laugh and bond with my lunch khakis

p/s: 英雄難過美人關 - so true!! just that the men in our company are not 英雄 la...