Sunday, February 28, 2010

A conference with mixed feelings

(initial) Relunctance - knowing that I'll be the only one doing all the logistical arrangements for the 110 pax and worried that should anything wrong happens, the blame will be pushed to me. However, the thought of gaining the experience of handling a conference from beginning to end made me moved on. It also helps that we get to fly buiness class to Beijing! :p

Fun - having dinner of Peking duck with the SG colleagues. It's really about the company you're hanging out with. I really enjoyed the dinner. It was so different from those wine drinking dinners we had 2 days back. Give me Qingdao beer anytime!

Cold & sick - it was so cold that my hands were numb and red and I didnt had the mood to take much pictures at the Great Wall and Forbidden City. During the last 2 days of our own extension, I fell sick (vomitted and fever) and didnt had the chance to explore more of Beijing and missed out on the snow!!

1 week before the event, I posted "that which does not kill us makes us stronger"... Should I be asked to be involved in next year's conference again, I'll say "Bring it On!"

Beijing Conference

Finally, after a month of preparation, the conference ended pretty well! Having to coordinate a meeting for 110 pax is no easy feat and I’m glad that my hard work paid off. Be in a toast/handshake or a simple thank you, it was really nice to feel the appreciation from those who saw the effort I've put in.

Of course, there were certainly more things which could be improved – starting everything early (sending out of items, arrangments for car pickup etc) and to declare shipment 100% correctly or risk having it stuck at customs (esp in China).

It was indeed a good learning experience!