Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Same day, last year...

On my way to work this morning, I was listening to my mp3, when I noticed this young guy asking the lady sitting beside him something and pointing out of the bus. And if I'm not wrong, he should be asking if this is the stop to alight to go to the SLF building. He looks like he's going for his 1st day of attachment.

I looked at my watch and realized that this same day, last year, I too reported for my 1st day for attachment. My memories of my entire journey during the attachment program are still quite intact.

Thinking of which, I feel rather sad (in fact I nearly teared). I don't know why. But being out in the working world for one year already, it hit me real hard recently that I really got to start thinking of what I really want in life.

I've been procrastinating on looking for a new job for months and I've to admit that it's because I am afraid of being in a total new environment again. So, for this new year of 2005, I need to overcome that fear - may the force be with me :)

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