Friday, March 30, 2007

Last Minute lah!!!

Accounting paper is tomorrow and I’ve not even started on the revision...Have decided to forgo the question on P&L and Balance Sheet. Will choose 4 other questions...

Red Bull and Chicken essence = burn midnight oil!

Wish me luck!!!!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Waiting for "Freedom"

I can't wait for April to come coz that will be my study break month before I go full force starting May for my official BCom studies!

But before that, I'll need to conquer my F&B operations and Biz Accounting, which will be held next Thur and Sat. Speaking of which, I've not started revising for it though plans have been made to go to the library on Sat to do research for the F&B operations. Will my balance sheet balance? I'm keeping my fingers cross…

Oh yah... and good news!!! My most feared subject - Biz Statistics = A+, Marketing Management = B ; )

For today's D&D, I've been refraining from a lot of food, which is a real torture since this is the time of the month that my cravings are like crazy. I can’t wait to get my hands on nasi briyani, muruku, Superdog, ramen and korean food!!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Daddy went for another operation yesterday @ SGH. Plans to visit him was cancelled again as he told Mummy that Sis and I need not go since he's fine already.

Anyway, he was out from the intensive ward today and transferred to a private ward. Perhaps, it's PMS @ work, which led me to being emotional, I dropped him an SMS asking if he's fine. He replied he's fine and that Mummy is with him. Replied him with "Okie, see you at home tmr"

I hope his wound is not hurting anymore and that he's really feeling fine : )

Friday, March 16, 2007

Too Bored In Office

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

For the month of March and Apr

April (study break = rest)

Pics from

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Crude - I'm not...

Okie, I think the following conversation is quite crude but funny in a way too:
I was drinking strawberry yogurt when 1 Ops Manager saw it. He's one who's always crapping with us and we'll always buy tea break for him.

he: what're you drinking?
me: there's none for you...
he; where did you get that from?
janice: from the toilet
he: oh, then it must be yellow color
me: no.... it's pink
he: ......too stunned for words
janice: laughing away

It was a few seconds later then I realized what's wrong (drink from toilet, and pink in color = something quite gross)

me: shit!!! I don’t mean that...

Told him that I'm too embarrassed to face him and that I don’t mean it that way.

he: I’ve never linked it to anything. It's you gals who have the crooked mind.

. the PINK drink .

I know our conversation is sooo crappy and has no added value... :p

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Lunar New Year 07 (zhu ni xing nian kuai le)

Nothing much to write about this CNY despite having 1 week of "holiday" as I had to revise for my bridging exam. The difference between this year's CNY was that we did not have steamboat for both reunion and the 2nd day as Mum thinks its too tiring to do so. Therefore, we broke the tradition this year :(

Anyway, we catered in food on the 2nd day, which was pretty good. And it's true what when you get older, CNY is more like giving oneself a break and gorge in those CNY lunches, dinner, lo hei and lots of snacks ; )

Monday, March 05, 2007

Don't Play Play ah...

Got back my bridging results:
Biz Law - C
Tourism Sys - B

Heard that someone got A+ for Biz law and maybe Tourism sys too!! Best!
Hopefully this pressure from the classmates will spur me to do better during the next 1.5 years.

Anyway Biz Statistics on last Friday was manageable, marketing management on Sun was okie, hopefully can get a B as the tips the lecturer gave was not very accurate ( - . - )

Its time for D&D!

Dinner & Dance is in March. Theme is Metamorphosis.
I do have a dress, which fits the theme but its super low cut. Anyway, will make a decision when the time is nearing.

Teasers (yellow boots and mole) on the special guest appearance makes it seems like it'll be

If it is, I bet it'll be damn entertaining.

Scarley, its his contractor (the round round guy)... :p

Ooo the round round guy is in our office now and he just spoke to me: Mamm, do you have scotch tape?? hahaha anyway, I'm just crapping...

How Suay...

Forgetting that I've already had a new bottle of Marmite back home. I bought another bottle of it last Thursday.

Though I managed to exchange it for the Jap salad sauce @ NTUC (even got the $0.10 difference), the bottle slipped out of the plastic bag and broke into pieces when I stepped out of NTUC.

So there goes my Marmite…if only I did not bring it for an exchange;
My salad sauce…if only I had held onto the bag properly;
My $3.70…if only I had checked 1st before buying the 2nd bottle of Marmite.

Friday, March 02, 2007

The buttterflies are out...

It’s 5 hours before my Business Statistics test and the butterflies are out in my stomach.
However, it does not feel as nice as how the picture looks : /