Friday, March 23, 2007

Waiting for "Freedom"

I can't wait for April to come coz that will be my study break month before I go full force starting May for my official BCom studies!

But before that, I'll need to conquer my F&B operations and Biz Accounting, which will be held next Thur and Sat. Speaking of which, I've not started revising for it though plans have been made to go to the library on Sat to do research for the F&B operations. Will my balance sheet balance? I'm keeping my fingers cross…

Oh yah... and good news!!! My most feared subject - Biz Statistics = A+, Marketing Management = B ; )

For today's D&D, I've been refraining from a lot of food, which is a real torture since this is the time of the month that my cravings are like crazy. I can’t wait to get my hands on nasi briyani, muruku, Superdog, ramen and korean food!!!!!

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