Saturday, May 10, 2008

Outing with the colleagues

1st stop of the day was Qian Hu fish farm for fish therapy. We paid $10 for a half hour session and had our dead skin cells on our feet eaten by the fishes. Keke I kindda had many fished feeding on me unlike Jess as she does body scrub weekly, thus the fishes can't find any “food” on her. I actually prefered he bigger fishes as it was more of a sucking feeling as compared to the slight electrifying feeling from the small fishes. (Bigger fish, more sensation - as written on the board)

Farm mart was the 2nd stop where we rested and had snacks and drinks. Seriously, there isn’t anything there that interests us there so we headed for Vivocity to window shop and for the aircon! Keke

Dinner was settled @ Superdog which was yumz yumz before heading to the last stop of the day – Dempsey Hill. Ok, call me sua ku but it was my 1st time there :p We waited for seats at the super crowded Bens & Jerry and had 6 scoops of ice cream for $21!! Sucker us.

What caught my interest in Demspey was Jones the Grocer – it was as Australian as it can get. It reminded me so much of Sydney (I think we did visited the store when we were there?) I checked out the menu and confirmed that this is a place I definitely have to go with Sis for brekkie when she’s back.

P/s: Don’t forget our date when you're back ya :p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go outing.. so shiok.. =P