Saturday, April 04, 2009

After 7 years of friendship...

We had our 1st “trip” together in June 2006. A boat ride away from SG to Pengerang Kelong… well we had our passports chopped after all… keke

Come 17th Apr 2009, we’ll be exploring Mr Ho's city together!!

Hr & I will be there for our company’s conference 1st. Lx will then fly in and meet us on our last day of meeting. No detailed itinerary is out yet but since we’ll be there for 4 days, we’ll take it “nice and slow” amongst the buzzling city filled with motorbikes and noise :p

1 comment:

LA said...

glad i bump into this entry.. an entry for us.. keke! now we have our itinerary =D We are all set to GO!! C u n hr over at HCM!! (hopefully my plane ride n taxi ride land me with no surprise.. =))