I once said that if I'm still single at the age of 25, I'll go for blind/speed dating. And I actually did so yesterday! This high tea cum board games is organised by SDU-SDS and it started with SK asking me if I wanted to join; sensing that she's kindda interested to go, I agreed to it since it's my "plan" to do so too when I hit 25.
Surprisingly, it's was quite a big event with 180 turnouts @ Holiday Inn. We were first assigned to 3 different clusters (by age grp) and 8 pax each table. The emcee warmed everyone up by playing some mingling games 1st followed by the high tea which you start to talk to the people at your table. After the high tea, we started playing the board games and had to move between 3 tables for 3 different games.
All in all, it was a eye opening experience especially so if you go with an open mind as it's not all about desperately searching for The One. In fact, I had a good time chatting with the ladies at my table + knowing people from the different working industry.
Passed a few contacts, won a voucher for 2 to Settlers cafe and that was all about it! Too shy to ask for numbers la... :p
Received 4 calls which came around the same time (9pm-ish) today and I think I'll not answer any unknown numbers for this week.
Surprisingly, it's was quite a big event with 180 turnouts @ Holiday Inn. We were first assigned to 3 different clusters (by age grp) and 8 pax each table. The emcee warmed everyone up by playing some mingling games 1st followed by the high tea which you start to talk to the people at your table. After the high tea, we started playing the board games and had to move between 3 tables for 3 different games.
All in all, it was a eye opening experience especially so if you go with an open mind as it's not all about desperately searching for The One. In fact, I had a good time chatting with the ladies at my table + knowing people from the different working industry.
Passed a few contacts, won a voucher for 2 to Settlers cafe and that was all about it! Too shy to ask for number
Received 4 calls which came around the same time (9pm-ish) today and I think I'll not answer any unknown numbers for this week.
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