Friday, June 16, 2006

Like that how to work???

I received a very stupid email this morning from one of the managers. His email was something like he will not hold responsible if I were to schedule auditors for jobs if they're not of that level. I fully understand that I need to schedules for jobs accordingly to certain guidelines but do I have so many auditors for me to schedule on that. OMG!!! I can’t believe he wrote that in email and it simply display how unprofessional he is.

Anyway, there are so many restrictions to getting my job done here. But as mentioned before, there's nothing I can do about it and I wont want to get to stress over it. It's time to play "tai-chi" like what everyone is doing...

To think that I actually got so stressed last week that my neck lymph node swelled. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Hi, your blog is all about food? lol

MW Lin said...

hihi, it's not really a food blog as i dont give detailed reviews. But yup.. abt 70% of my post are abt food :p