Friday, January 26, 2007


Took half-day leave yesterday to prepare for the Biz Law bridging exam. Being bridging modules, there'll be no grades to it but I was quite unprepared therefore, went ahead with the leave and revised in the campus library for about 5 hrs.

I was flipping though the study guide, law books (from library) and was practically reading it only. Anyway, the 3 hours paper was quite stressful as the there was so many things write even for a 2 mark question and I had to make sure that my handwriting was legible :p

Tomorrow, there's still another paper that I’ve read and memorize it several times so it would not be as stressful. Can’t wait for Sunday to come whereby I’m planning for a nice breakfast, drama marathon, shopping, and dim sum and viewing the paintings @ Paragon by Vietnam's artist.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Tit for Tat

Someone whom I thought I've always worked along fairly well with, burnt the bridge this morning.

"Don't say till it's my bloody job..... you're the scheduler..... etc"

Fine! Tit for Tat - this post is to log this down as a reminder.


This is kindda freaky. The Yahoo! Astrology (which is in my favorite folders) website opened unknowingly. Surprised by it, I went ahead to check out my daily overview for today:

If someone is getting on your last nerve, today is the day to stop the madness.

Fighting the natural course of events will just leave you exhausted. Save your energy for a better cause. In the meantime, choose to be amused by the situation. Cultivating a sense of detachment helps too.

Now, this is the reason why Yahoo! Astrology is in my favorite folder. Cos sometimes, it's just so true!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Baker; I'm Not

Finally went to Ghaya's new house last Friday and brought along my gingerbread dough to bake! Dinner was Pizza Hut delivery and we each had 3 large slices of pizza and 2 chicken wings (yummy). After the filling my stomach, I wasted no time to start baking. In the beginning, Ghaya was the one kneading the ready to bake dough while I watched by the side. However, soon after, I had to take over as she's was caught on the line.

Now, I can truly say that I'm so not cut to bake. It was difficult to roll the dough to the same thickness/thinness and it was stuffy standing next to the oven.

The 1st batch - 1 tray was slightly burnt at the bottom, while the other tray was nice on top but unbaked at the bottom.

2nd batch - burnt!

3rd batch - totally burnt, with smoke coming out from the oven!

That was it! We decided not to bake the last batch and threw away those baked ones too. Don’t think I'll ever wanna try baking again in the near future (-.-")

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Most Popular Staff FY 06

That would be yours truly *shy*

Seriously, I didn’t expect to win it (though I thought I would last year, hahaha). Anyway I was standing in the front taking pictures of the past 4 years winners; waiting for this year's winner to be called.

"And this year’s winner is… Geraldine" announced the VP.

Whoa hahaha….. Quickly passed the camera to Ghaya and went forward to receive the plaque (which looks the nicest among all) and $50 Cold Storage vouchers.

Most popular staff of the year = joke of the day??? Mummy even asked if I bribed my colleagues (-.-") Ironically, when I sent a SMS to Sis, I typed worse instead of most. What was I thinking??!! keke

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Back to School

School started last Friday with Business Law, which was completed within 20 contact hours. Having attended a full class on Sunday, followed by 4 hours of lecture on Monday and Tuesday, I was practically a walking zombie while walking back home yesterday (pun intended). However, despite the tiredness, I truly feel that time is spent more wisely now as compare to previously whereby after work, I’ll be back home having dinner followed by drama marathon then sweet dreams, Saturdays would be spent slacking at home etc.

Being it a crash course, there's not a single minute for me to stone or stare in blank space, as we'll have to scribble down notes all the way. As for classmates, can’t really comment on them, as now it’s only the bridging modules and there won't be many interactions with the rest.

$20k (no small sum) + that sentence = work hard!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Some random thoughts...

Now, when I face a problem in work, I wonder if it's because of my incompetence or that certain things are simply not within my control?

Why do I feel so "empty" after reading Tuesdays with Morrie?

I know questions are asked out of concern. But having answering the same questions for about 10 times, my replies get shorter as I am "tired".

It's funny that all of a sudden, people seem to be concerned about my love life.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

"Missing in Action"

Home PC is down, thus the lack of updates. Anyway the drama serials on SCV are keeping me "busy" too (drama marathons from 7pm - 10pm) @.@

School's starting this Friday, 3 weekends would be burnt attending full day lessons *stress*

Quick note on what to update when my PC is up:
BKK Trip
Countdown to 2007
It's a New Year

Till then.....