Thursday, January 25, 2007

Tit for Tat

Someone whom I thought I've always worked along fairly well with, burnt the bridge this morning.

"Don't say till it's my bloody job..... you're the scheduler..... etc"

Fine! Tit for Tat - this post is to log this down as a reminder.


This is kindda freaky. The Yahoo! Astrology (which is in my favorite folders) website opened unknowingly. Surprised by it, I went ahead to check out my daily overview for today:

If someone is getting on your last nerve, today is the day to stop the madness.

Fighting the natural course of events will just leave you exhausted. Save your energy for a better cause. In the meantime, choose to be amused by the situation. Cultivating a sense of detachment helps too.

Now, this is the reason why Yahoo! Astrology is in my favorite folder. Cos sometimes, it's just so true!

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