Thursday, March 23, 2006

Emotional Freak

I become an emotional freak once a month. I'm so affected during PMS that I get irritated with the slightest thing. Some listed below are what I faced this week:

- when people don't get straight to the point when asking me questions
- kids screaming @ the top of their voices
- girls who "sa jiao" with their other half (thank god for my Mp3)
- fishy smell (Dad had fish for dinner)
- etc... (cant think of any at the moment)

With my weird mood swings and to think far far ahead, I wonder if I'll develop postnatal depression or how I'll be like when I go through menopause...

On another note, this week has been hectic for everyone in the office. Tomorrow would be a "big" day for us as there would be a major change announced.

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