Monday, December 18, 2006

How much to give?

Its was the 2nd time I saw the old lady selling misc. stuffs at the underpass towards Shaw Orchard when I decided to do a good deed since Xmas was nearing and pay day was 2 days after. Never did I expect to experience this shocking incident:

I took out a $1 coin ASSUMING a packet of tissue wouldn't cost me more than that. After putting the coin on her palm, I took the pack of tissue while she asked what I want to buy. Upon seeing the coin and the tissue, she said " $2".

"Huh?" I said
"Economy no good" was the reply I got.

Knowing that I had a $2 note in my wallet, I took it out, pass it to her and also took back my coin. All these while, I was in "shock" and only recovered 2 min later which led me thinking; $2 for a packet of tissue??!!!! It's certainly not that I'm unwilling to part with the money, but she gave me the feeling that she was taking people's small generosity for granted.

Doesn’t she know that the "market rate" with street peddlers is $1 - $2 for 3 packets of tissue? At times, I'll buy and take only one packet of tissue because I don’t really need the tissue paper but I sincerely want to help. And since they’re not beggars, I think it'll be offensive to pass them only the money and not buying.

Wouldn’t it be sad if one day, the society has to think "how much is then enough" before doing a good deed?

p/s: Ironically, I spent the $2 @ Watson's buying 32 packets of tissue that day.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Uh oh...... FAT

Despite knowing very well that I should avoid sweet and fried stuffs due to my complexion and for healthy living, I've been gorging on these 2 category of food the past few days - cookies, pasta (carbo), fried chicken etc...

I should be more DISCIPLINE!!!!

Blames the pms cravings... keke

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Walk your (my) own path

Having put off my studies for almost 2 years, a decision has to be made soon.

But I’m so afraid that I’ll make a wrong choice.

Since I do not want to go into a business course, I hope that hospitality & tourism + marketing is a route that I can walk into in the long term.

Got to push off those negative comments that I’ve read about earning a degree in only 1.5 years etc...

May the force be with me.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Mee crazy

Yup yup. I realized that I’ve been having noodles almost everyday last week.

I’m having cravings for pasta at the moment but it’s neither tomato nor cream base kind. Simply love my Sis’s mentaiko pasta to bits!!!! I can have 2 servings for dinner and will still crave for it the next day. Sis and Mummy were shocked to know that I enjoy it so much as I’ve always liked tomato based spaghetti. Haha, but now, nothing beats to looking forward to the end of the day and rushing back home where Sis will "whip" out this fuss-free meal.

As it is quite expensive and difficult to get mentaiko (usually from Istean), the next option for pasta would be canned tuna + spag. So far, I’ve only tried the tuna with olive oil + spag. It tastes all right but I prefer the chilled version.

Oooooo just saw this on the Ayam’s webby:

Unveiling a brand new introduction from Ayam Brand –the Tomato Sauce range.
Available within the range are 3 variants, tempting you with each distinctive taste of its own:Cheese with Tuna, Spicy, Tomato Garlic
This versatile sauce can be used on it’s own on pasta, noodles and rice, or can be added to your cooked dishes as sauce base. Just use your imagination with this sauce and you whip up dishes you may never think you could in just a few minutes

Haha, can't wait to go grocery shopping!!!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Fond Memories of the 80s

1. You grew up watching He-man, MASK, Transformers, Silver Hawk and Mickey Mouse. Not to forget Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony and Smurfs too..
> Land before time, robocop, captain planet ( i was water gal... hahhaahha)

2. You grew up brushing your teeth with a mug in Primary school during recess time. You will squat by a drain with all your classmates beside you and brush your teeth with a coloured mug. The teachers said you must brush each side 10 times too.
> nope. but during K2 in Peichun, we'll have afternoon naps on individuals "towels" laid on the floor. Will bring it back home every Friday to wash.

3. You know what SBC stands for.
> haha, of coz. still rem the logo

4. You pay 40 cents for Chocolate or Strawberry MILK every week in class.
> chocolate was my choice

5. Kopi-O is not just a kind of beverage to you but also a popular television serial.
> yup yup. "kopi-0, ooo nong nong de kopi-o"

6. Pagers are the in thing and numeric numbers are encoded with sweet lovey dovey messeges.
> during the Sec yrs

7. SBS buses used to be non-airconditioned. The bus seats are made of wood and the cushion is red. The big red bell gives a loud BEEP! when pressed.. There are colourful tickets forTIBS buses. The conductor will check for tickets by using a machine which punches a hole in the ticket.
> took those 25 cents non air-con feeder bus to Uncle's house every weekday

8. Envelopes given to us to donate to Sharity Elephant every Children's Day.
> think it was always $2 for me

9. You've probably read Young Generation magazine. You know who's Vinny the little vampire and Acai the constable.
> have a slight recollection on "who's Vinny the little vampire"

10. You were there when they first introduced MRT here. You went for the first ride with your parents and you would kneel on the seat to see the scenery.
> dont think so.

11. Movie tickets used to cost only $3.50.
> tickets were $5.50 during my Sec yrs

12. Gals are fascinated by Strawberry Short Cake and Barbie Dolls.
> not forgetting Twinkle little stars and Hello Kitty (who used to be only in red during those times)

13. You learn to laugh like The Count in Sesame Street .
> nope. Though we had a collection of Sesame St big A4 sized hard covered books

14. You longed to buy tibits called Kaka (20 cents per pack) and Ding Dang (50 cents per box), that had a toy in it and it changes every week. Not forgetting the 15 cents animal crackers and the ring pop, where the lollipop is the diamond on the ring.
> yup yup

15. KFC used to be a high class restaurant that serve food in plates with bottled ketchup and chilli sauce and also their metal forks and knives.
> even had a pic of me taken while biting into the big drumstick

16. Your English workbooks was made of some damn poor quality paper that was smooth and yellow.
> i think that was my sis's generation. some character's name, wonka or smth like that :p

17. CDIS were your bestfriend.
> eh... what's that?

18. The only computer lessons in school involved funny pixellised characters in 16 colours walking about trying to teach you maths.
> nope, not maths leh

19. Waterbottles were slinged around your neck and a must everywhere you go.
> yup yup. hello kitty, keropi & once, coke bottles was even In too.

20. Boys loved to play soccer with small plastic balls in the basketball court.
> dunno

21. Teng-teng, five stones, chapteh, hentam bola and zero point were all the rage with the girls and boys too...
> five stones, hopscotch

22. Science experiments includes incubating an egg and watching it hatch into a chick before a fully grown chicken.
> dont rem

23. Kids would be donning black, huge and nerdy looking plastic glasses to school.
> haha that would be the Principle instead of kids

24. Drinks cost 10 cents and food was only 50 cents in the school tuckshop.
> yup yup. still rem the 20 cents sausages, chicken wings, boiled crab meats... slurp

25. The bookshop does not only sell books but colourful pencils and pens, badminton rackets, balls, marbles, erasers with country flags on them etc.
> yup yup

26. Science was fun with the balsam and the angsana being the most important plants of our lives, guppies and swordtail being the most important fish.
> yesh!

27. Who can forget Ahmad, Bala, Sumei, XiaoMing and John, eternalized in our minds from the textbooks.
> ooo yes.... bala and ahmad as on point no. 16... haha not wonka

28. We carry out experiments of our own to get ourself badges for being a Young Zoologist/Botanist etc.
> yup, but never did I onced finished the booklet

29. Every Children's day and National day you either get pins or pens with 'Happy Children's Day 1993' or dumb files with 'Happy National Day 1994'.
> files, clip boards...

30. In Primary six you had to play buddy for the younger kids like big sister and brother.
> yup yup

31. We wear BM2000, BATA, or Pallas shoes.
> yup. dont like it when my shoes begins to give way... meaning I had to tell Mum to get a new pair :( Shoes were considered ex during those days Ok!

32. Your form teacher taught you Maths, Science and English.
> think so

33. The worksheets were made of brown rough paper of poor quality.
> in lower pri. upper pri, was changed to white sheets of paper ; )

34. You went to school in slippers and a raincoat when it rained, and you find a dry spot in the school to sit down, dry your feet, and wear your dry and warm socks and shoes.
> nope, not me

35. School dismissal time was normally around 1 pm.
> yup yup. took sch bus home with the bus auntie passing us our packed lunched (Mummy passed to her)

36. There would be spelling tests and mental sums to do almost everyday.
> haha dont rem. perhaps coz I didnt really care :p

37. Your friends considered you lucky and rich if your parents gave you $2 or more for pocket money everyday.
> I was the one who considered others lucky

38. You see Wee Kim Wee's face in the school hall and principle's room.
> eh... think so

39. You freak out when the teacher tells you to line up according to height and hold hands with the corresponding boy or girl.
> nope nope. didnt freaked out

40. Boys like to catch those gross fighting spiders.
> think so.. who cares abt them... THEN.. hahaha

41. Collecting and battling erasers was a pastime for boys.
> yup yup

42. Autograph books were loaded with "Best Wishes", "Forget Me Not", and small poems like "Bird fly high, hard catch.Friend like you, hard to forget".
> yesh yesh! and if u're not asked to write on someone's book, u might wonder y...

43. Class monitors and prefects loved to say "You talk somemore, I write your name ah!"
> yup, those teacher's pets! hmph..

44. There were at least 40 people in one class.
> yup yup

45. Large, colourful schoolbags were carried.
> yup yup

46. The worse you would do to a friend was get another friend to stop befriending him/her. "Don't friend him/her."
> childish... but yes....

47. Bookworm story books (added on my own)
> who'll forget - porky, mimi, smarty ect. they gave talks in schs, asking students to buy the sets and sets of book. which we did too.

There you have it...... how nostalgic ; )

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The rubber band snapped; the gates to the water dam broke.

Not once but twice last Friday (1 day before my B’day). I’m not sure what happened, but I guessed the minor blunder which I made in work + external auditors in our office + terrible breakout + PMS just took it away. I was already feeling real down the whole of last week and decided to take half day leave and head back home. After writing a short note to Ghaya telling her that, she asked if I was crying. I shook my heads and "laughed" it off, muttering a “no” while heading to the toilet.

Alone in the toilet cubicle, tears flowed uncontrollably for around 5 mins. After seated back on my desk for less than 5 mins, I felt suffocated when the management people were around my desk talking about work. When Ghaya called and asked what happened, I found myself crying again. This time, I was sobbing away in the cubicle instead of tearing. (think I scared the hell out of her). Surprisingly, I felt much better after the shocking breakdown, and with urgent work stuffs to be settled that day, I canceled my leave during lunch hour (which led to the insensitive VP saying that I’m fickle minded).

I can say that last week was the worst days I’ve felt during all of my PMSs. But I’m thankful for the concern my friends gave + family members who endured my (yet another round of) bad temper.

Friday, November 17, 2006

No longer dreaming, but it still hurts to hear

He is moving place,
He might be staying on after his IA,
He asked her out for tennis,
He asked her about her studies.
etc ...

all from her.

Getting along pretty well, I’ll say…

Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's My Birthday!

It was a day-out for food and more food.

Lunch was @ Lei Garden with family. Sad to say, most of the dishes (from the set) were the same as what we had the last time. Though that I could try their other unique dishes. Nether less, it was a sumptuous lunch and quality time spent with the family.

After lunch, Lx met up with me 1st as she wanted to do some shopping. As I’ve got to refrain myself from spending more $$, I didn’t really window shopped for fear that something might caught my eye. Keke.

Less then 4 hours after having my lunch, I was eating again. Our dinner was settled at a HK café (Tong Luo Wan) in Liang Seah St. It was super early after eating, so we were racking our heads on where we should head next – miss clarity/bens & jerrys/ktv???

. lemon drink + milk tea . wedges . stewed beef noodle .
. baked rice (fish) . hk instant noodle . ben & jerry’s .
. cheesecake . toothpicks . teapot .

A decision was finally made and we went to KBox @ Suntec. Half way through, Lx (with the excuse of gg to the toilet) came back with a slice of cheesecake from Coffee Bean. Oh!!!!!! I really didn’t expect that and was super surprised.

Since we still had 2 more hours to go, Hr and I went down to Bens & Jerry’s to get a pint of ice cream. Seriously, I was eating wayyy too much that day… To end the day, they selected 2 Bday song (Cantonese & Chinese) to be played while I blew the candle : ) haha. Thank gals!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Patience is the "next" best cure

Visited the skin clinic on Monday after work despite having my usual facial on the prev Saturday.

I was so sad when the pimples popped up after the facial. It was then, when I finally faced the fact that something else has to been done. I was tossing and turning on Sunday night as I cant wait for Monday evening to arrive so that I can seek other’s help.

Did a 15mins consultation (which I don’t think was necessary) and was surprised that they were able to accommodate me in to do a treatment that evening. So, dinner plans with my parents were cancelled despite Mummy was already with me in Orchard. Had to get them to buy back home for me.

The treatments lasted 2.5 hours plus I was cold and hungry in the room. But I’m willing to sacrifice many things to have a smooth complexion back. The treatment is so different from my usual facial as they don’t do extraction plus I think they let their botanical products do the work

Today, 4 days after the treatment, My cheeks still has pimples popping out and it’s itchy and painful at times. But my cheekbone area seems to be smoother (not that it was bad prev).

This is seriously a difficult time for me and I have to constantly remind myself that since this has already happened, all I can do is to be patient and have a positive mindset. It’s not the end of the world and I shall not let words put me down.

It’s hard but I’ll try.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I'm Hating It

- Bad complexion
- MSNs

How can I change my world?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'll try to be nicer :p

Daily Overview for November 02, 2006 - Scorpio
You know you need to change. You want to change. Astrological energies urge you to change. But part of you is scared about what that means. It's normal. Acknowledge that you're afraid. Then do what needs to be done.

Haha... Pretty true manz...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Food and Company

After a half day work in the office, I met up with Lx for gossip/eating session. 1st stop was to Tanjong Pagar to buy Chocz & Spize muffins. She has wanted to buy it for the longest time so we'll fulfill her craving 1st. haha. She bought a total of 6 muffins for her family while I bought 3 for Mummy. After which, we mazed our way through to Maxell Market to fulfill my craving - Tian Tian Chicken Rice.

Sis and I have read many raves about this chicken rice and have been talking to try this out someday. Haha but I went without her first and even sent her an MMS of the above pic :p

So, after queuing for about 10 mins, I was ready to try out the “requested no breast meat” chicken rice. The rice was grainy and the chicken was smooth. (as this is not really a food blog, I wont be going into details how nice it is). Lx queued 15 mins for the famous fish slice porridge and she bought plate of raw fish slices to share. For a price of $2 only, it was pretty delicious.

. queue . chicken rice . sliced fish porridge .
. raw sliced fish . mango + prawn salad . chicken + sambal steak combo .
. steak + prawns combo . seafood spaghetti . american cheesecake

Dinner was at Jacks Place with Hr popping down to meet us. The only thing that I liked there was the American cheesecake. Won’t wanna go into the uncooked chicken and tasteless steak I had.

Nevertheless, the company was good - I rant/raved about the latest “happening” in my life, bad attempt to shoot “paparazzi” shots and a very hard time convince Lx to get a pic of her taken (which we failed).

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ouch! It's Time...

It hurts,
But I still got to smile.

It hurts,
And I'm no longer going to dream.


Monday, October 02, 2006

1st time into the Esplanade Theatre

Late post again ...

On the 27th Sept, Lx and I went to watch musical - The Forbidden City, Portrait of an Empress. We met up at City Hall and had Din Tai Fung @ the Market Place

. crunchy mini cucumber in spicy sauce . xiao cai . xiao long paus .
fried rice . pork chop . soup noodles .

It's surprising that the xiao long paus and xia cai does not taste as good as those at Bishan. The noodles were ok..but definitely not my choice whenever I visit Din Tai Fung. The pork chop was pretty good. As usual, the fried rice was "thumbs up". keke Oh, and we also tried the new item on the menu - crunchy mini cucumber in spicy sauce. Too bad, not all branches have that on the menu, because the sour-ish and spicy taste is really appetizing.

Mental block so here's it in point form again for the musical:
- nice songs
- amazing voices
- touching show
- setting was fine
- wanted to get the OST, but decided to save $

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Perhaps it's time...

When reality beings to set in, I should no longer dream.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

How comments have affected me :(

Suddenly, I'm getting worried and sad over my complexion again.

Small oil bumps have surfaced recently. And I'm seriously worried that it might aggravate to pimples again.

I hope that by maintaining positive thoughts and believing in my beautician will help me pass this dark period soon ;)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

What does it mean when…

I've got to think for almost 5 mins before knowing how to continue the MSN conversations?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Que Será, Será

Yesterday evening, I was told of something, which led me thinking. But seriously, I’ve no idea on how I should react or do. I should just let nature take its courses.

"Show interest, not desperation" – how true

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Forbidden City

Yeah!! I’m going to watch Forbidden City on the 27th Sept. Actually, it was quite an impromptu thing as the tickets were selling since July but I did not really thought about watching it until my colleagues started talking about it yesterday.

So, I checked out the prices/dates/reviews after lunch and asked Lx if she’s interested. Haha luckily she’s "onz" about it and I immediately booked the tickets this morning

Haha, now what should I wear to the musical since I’ll going after work?? Oh… and it’s the 1st time we’re going to the Esplanade Theatre…:p

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Kelong Collage

click on pic for bigger view
Ok... This is really late. I was taking my own sweet time to choose my fave pics (mostly taken by Victor). Hope this collage sums up our stay there :p

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Shit happens.

Usually @ work.

Our moral is getting low.

Sometimes, I hear and see things, which are so fake and irritating, I feel like vomiting.

Sometimes, I feel like giving them a big tight slap and ask them to Just Shut Up!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I think...

it might be my biological clock that was smiling,

not my heart.

Friday, August 25, 2006

What have I gotten myself into?

I wanted to take it one step at a time,

But my dear colleague decided to lend me a "helping hand".

Was it a joke carried out too far?

Or am I smiling in my heart?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Random.... again

Uh oh… it’s been such a long time since I last blogged. I can’t think of anything eventful to write here thus the lack of posts.

Some random updates:

- Went for the Singapore Fireworks Festival on the 5th with Janice and 12th with Lx and Hr. The display by team France was awesome. We even had a "commentator" behind us which was definitley not necessary. It was a great catching up session with the gals (gossips and more gossips)

- Thailand trip from 21st – 25th Sept with Daddy and Mummy. Yeah! It’s been such a long time since I went there for a holiday. Previous 2 trips were for work purpose therefore, I’ll shop and eat all I want there in this coming trip. Seems like my parents are accompanying me on this trip as Mummy says she has nothing much to buy there. Will be reading up reviews in forums and am planning to visit some shopping areas that we’ve never been before.

- Sheares Bridge Run on Sunday… got to wake up early *sianz*. The only thing that I'm looking forward to is where we’ll be heading to for breakfast after the run.. hahaha

Boring post, isn’t it??

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I'm a Singaporean

For the 1st time and last time in my entire life, I went for our nation’s National Day Parade at the National Stadium last Saturday. I’ve always wanted to go for the parade and I’m so so glad that Sis was given 2 tickets. Despite it being only a preview, I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere.

I wore white
I went through the fun pack like a kid
I put on the fake tattoo on my arms and hands
I kept myself cool with the mini electric fan
I ate the snacks
I sang along
I waved my mini flag
I did the kallang wave
I wowed in emotion when I saw the fireworks

I recited the national anthem
I sang the national song
I did so with pride
I’m MW Lin
I’m a Singaporean
So say we all, so say we all…


my home...

Too much food...

Being sick for 1 whole week is not joke. I guess that’s the aftermath for gorging on too much unhealthy food last 2 week.

From Wednesday to Friday (26th – 28th), we attended a course where breakfast and lunch was provided. For those 3 days, I ate like I’ll never be given the chance to eat them again (wrong wrong move)

1st day
- Polar’s swiss roll
- Polar’s sausage puff
- Chinese lunch at Kia Hiang

2nd day
- Old Chang Kee’s curry puff
- Old Chang Kee’s popiah

3rd day
- Old Chang Kee’s popiah
- Old Chang Kee’s radish cake
- Old Chang Kee’s fish ball
- Begawan’s Solo Pandan cake
- Pizza Hut (1 slice of pizza, garlic bread)
- KFC (2 big drumsticks, 1 drumlet)
- Coffee

Scary isn’t it….

Dinner on Friday night with Mummy was at Crystal Jade Golden Palace at Paragon.

. entrance . herbal soup . goose .
. salted egg yolk prawns . claypot tofu . soy sauce pan fried fish .

After that dinner, I felt unwell but brushed it off as I thought I might just be bloated. Never did I expect to develop a fever the next day - NDP’s preview day… :(

Monday, July 31, 2006

Forgive and Forget??

Forgiving and forgetting aren't actions that come naturally to you. You're loyal to those you love, and you can be unyielding as rock to those you think of as foes. In the end, though, does it help to hold onto a grudge?

Though that’s the daily overview of my horoscope for August 01, 2006 (tomorrow's), but I can say it now that it’s -

"Oh, so true"

So near yet so far...

I was so close to getting the $96 tickets to BKK for Sept.

I thought I’d be going to the Land of Smiles again after sooo many months of "planning".

I'm still very disappointed that the tickets got all snapped before I could click on the "purchase" button.


Monday, July 24, 2006

I need to be more disciplined!

I'm no longer on a low carb diet now as we suspect that it might have some negative impact on my complexion.

However, it seems like I’m eating more than usual now. I'll always be snacking when at work and I want to eat food which are "full of taste" - nasi biryani, tom yum, minced pork noodle etc..

Previously, it was ok to have sliced fish soup twice a week, but the thought of having it now bores me.

Previously, I'll gorge/crave for certain food only when it nearing that time of the month, but now, it seems like I'm craving for different food almost everyday.

Previously, I was so disciplined to the extent that I did not touch eggs, cheese, and potato chips etc due to my complexion. But I had those forbidden foods during the past few weeks.

My skirt feels tight

My weight is going back

My arms are getting bigger/flabbier

My face is getting rounder (as compared to only last month's);

I call it the donut face :(

Friday, July 21, 2006

Disappointing dinner

Went to have ramly burger at Tanjong Pagar railway station after reading some good reviews online.

Sadly, I do not have any good reviews for the place and the food. Firstly, the place is not very clean and we chose to sit outside. We ordered a plate of Indian rojak and roti john to share 1st as we were still waiting for another friend to arrive. The mutton roti john was drowned in mayonnaise and tomato sauce while the Indian rojak doesn't taste fresh and the ice milk tea was too milky. Shirlyn’s luke warm mee siam tasted like rubber band. *roll eyes*

Surprisingly, we were quite full after the "starters" but we still got the ramly burger, after all the purpose of this outing was to try that. Sadly, we felt that the ramly burger was not worth coming down for. Though the food was disappointing, we had a great time gossiping, talking nonsense and cam whoring (Janice and I).

Seeing that it was still early to head home on a Friday night, Janice, Sock Huan and I went to Suntec for coffee at Olio. There came another disappointment, the ice mocha with gelato tasted so different from what I always have from Dome. It was so not right that I did not even finish the drink (-.-")

. Tanjong pagar railway station . inside . ramly burger .
. stall . roti john . ramly burger .
. indian rojak . ice milk tea . mee siam .

Sunday, July 16, 2006

It's Beautiful

Pictures to remind all that the world is a beautiful place.


Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sun House de Boneless Chicken Rice

Initially, our plan was to have lunch @ Wasabi Tei, however as it was rather crowd, we went to have our favorite chicken rice instead. And we’re glad that we did so as it was their last day of operation. Heard it has something to do with the rental issues, therefore, the uncle is still looking for another location to continue their business. Many people came to have their “last” plate of chicken rice and took pictures of the premises too.

. sun house de boneless chicken rice . shop .
. chicken . rice .
Hopefully, we don’t have to wait for too long to taste this delicious chicken rice again.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Dinner @ Mezza9

Dinner was @ Mezza9, Hyatt Hotel to celebrate Jeremy, Nicholas and Vilma auntie’s birthday. They’ve been going there for dinner for the past few years to celebrate as Auntie Sally is a member with Hyatt. As usual, they’ll always order same old dishes.

. display of seasoning . foie gras . sashimi (salon & yellow tail) .
. lobster noodle . fish (soon hock) . vege (kai lan) .
. grilled lobster . stir fried black pepper beef . chefs .

I don’t really fancy the food there, as to me it’s just a place where chi chi people head for to have some zhi char dishes. Of course, Mezza9 offers other variety of non zhi char food too, perhaps it’s just me as I don’t really feel comfortable eating there.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Shopped & Dined in Japanese

Went to Daiso with Lx on Saturday and spent 1.5 hours there. After taking out a few stuffs from my basket, I’m glad to say that I bought only 5 items. Friends know that I like buying cute/interesting stuffs that I might not even use. Therefore, 10 mins was spent deciding which on stuff I should get/place back to the shelves :p

Rushed down to Orchard to meet Sis for dinner and I was super late as we missed the IMM shuttle bus and I reached Orchard only at 7.30pm. Dinner was at Ichibantei as we wanted to grab those half price sushi at the nearby Mediya. keke

. gyoza . char siew ramen (sis's) .
. ladies set . loots from Daiso .

Think Through It

I knew I should take what I heard on Saturday with a pinch of salt

But somehow, I've been thinking about it since 9am today.

Someone reminded me that I've been feeling vexed most of the time when working here.

But 1 week into this job (about 1 year ago), I’ve already known this was not for me.

What do I really want in life?

I've been putting off this question for almost 2 years.

It's time to seriously think through it now.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I'll move you

Yes, I'll do just that if I see anyone reading the newspaper in a super packed train.

Imagine, everyone is squeezed like sardines but there'll still be people who just cant wait to read what's going in the world on their free newspaper which is distributed in every train station. I fully understand that reading the newspaper on the go is common and it's perfectly fine with me if the "environment" allows it.

Just to share what I encountered today:
This lady stood in front of me and she has not much space to move, but yet, she is still very interested to read the news printed on the corners (dog ears corner). Seriously, how much of news could you possibly get from that pathetic corner??? Regardless of me pushing her (intentionally and unintentionally), she's still determined to read it. *argh*

Then, another guy who stood diagonally behind me was also reading it so I PURPOSELY move my way nearer to him so that he won’t have space to open up his newspaper. keke

I may sound mean but if everyone were slightly more considerate on public transports, others would be able to board the bus/train when it is only 3/4 full.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Interview, food & manicure on Saturday

Went for the interview on Saturday, in short, I did not pass the interview again. But this time, I was not as nervous as delivered the intro pretty fine. What led me thinking was, if I were to touch on why I want to join SIA, my personality, Daddy working with SIA etc, will I've a better chance in getting through?

Anyway what's over is over, I won't want to harp on it. Shall just move on planning for my studies, which might be early next year and my holiday trips (Shanghai/ Japan/ BKK/ Redang).

After the interview, I met up with Lx and we headed to Chin Chin for lunch. Haha, we ordered mixed vegetables, Hainanese pork chop and mutton soup, which was too much for the 2 of us, but we still managed to finish it. keke. We then shopped around Marina Sq before going to Kembangan for our manicure - French for us. It's actually my 1st time doing it and I'm liking it ; )

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Morning on the Kelong

2nd day
Alarm went off at 6.30am, as we wanted to catch the sunrise. However, we’re not sure if it’s because of the drizzle that we did not managed to see it or simply that it can’t be seen from this side of the kelong???

Breakfast was simple seafood porridge consist of real crabmeat, whole small squid, prawns and salted eggs. It was so yummy that we had 2 bowls each. After breakfast, we packed up and lazed around again as we were the 2nd batch to leave at 11pm. Lucky us managed to see the uncle feed those big fishes. He lifted up those wooden planks and threw in the small fishes and we see those HUGE fishes rushing for it. He breeds a very special fish that was bluish in color, which can be eaten. Blue fish on your plate, anyone??

After what seems like a long wait, the bumboats arrived punctually at 11pm and it’s time to bid goodbye and head back to SG.

. seafood porridge . fishes .
. waiting for the bumboat . bumboat .

Though it was not blasting a blasting trip as predicted, it was indeed an experience worth going for.

Asked if I’ll go again?
No straight nos,
But no straight yes too (as I’ve already experienced it)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A night on the kelong


So, as mentioned on my prev post, we were practically lazing around, playing card games, snacking, lazing around and waiting for dinnertime…

Dinner & Shower
@ 6.30pm, the long awaited evening arrived and it’s time for dinner!! Being on a kelong, what can we expect but sumptuous seafood for dinner? I simply love the steamed fish, it was soft and sweet. *slurp slurp* I think the 4 of us enjoyed our dinner very much, savoring the tasty soup and the crabs.

. bee hoon (lunch) . steamboat . steamed fish .
. assorted steamboat dishes . chilli crab . prawns .

After dinner, it was time to wash up. Fresh water was delivered from the mainland and stored in huge pails and we were to scope them up with cups. Each person is entitled to only 1 pail of water for shower. Surprisingly, it was enough for one to get a clean wash and of course, I brought along a 1.5 litres of mineral water for washing my face. Keke

Supper & Sleep
BBQ supper started around 11pm, but as I’ve just showered, I decided to forgo it and catch the World Cup – Germany and Sweden instead.

. toilet . shower .
. supper . "bedroom" .

It was difficult to get into sleep as the guys were cheering for the WC and it was also quite stuffy. But the weather changed to chilly when it rained about 3 plus in the morning and I felt super cold despite having jacket on and even resorted to using the pillows to cover my legs. keke

To be cont' (on 2nd day)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

5 star for Pengerang Kelong

. Soon Hock Kelong .
Overall, this trip was rather fun though we were quite bored as we don’t fish and play majong. Time was moving slowly… so most of the time were spent playing card games (provided by the owners), eating and taking pictures.

I guess we were the only group that took the most pictures. Departure hall, in bumboat, 1st step onto kelong (when people were moving in to settle down), toilets, food, our "room", kelong structure and many more were captured into our cameras. A picture really tells a thousand word, therefore I would like to capture whatever we’ve experienced in my pictures and this post.

Though, it was no 5 star posh place for a short gateaway, the service we received from the owners were definitely 5 star. They offered us durians, reminded us more than once that there were fruits available after dinner etc. When I asked if they have chinese tea (cos I saw some pple drinking), the auntie told me that they (group members) actually brought those along with them, but if I’ll like to have a cup, she can offer me a cup (her own). When it was time for fish feeding, the uncle told us to take pictures and even waited for us to take out our cameras before throwing in the small fishes for feeding the BIG fishes.

It’s such small gesture that made me felt welcomed in their humble kelong/home.

To be cont’ (on fresh water, food, world cup/sleep)

Of Interview, $$ and Holiday

I'll be going for the SQ interview (walk-in) again this Saturday @ Swissotel. This time, I'll be going with Janice and her friend and I seriously hope that I don’t get so nervous and screw it up again.
Wish me luck!!

Mummy just spent $100 plus on a Burberry's pink leather belt just because it was on sale and she thinks it'll match Sis's white shirt (but sadly it doesn’t). It's so *duh* cos we hardly wear belts so we "scolded" her for wasting money.

Japan trip will be postponed to October, as it’ll be too rush (mentally) for me to leave on next Monday (3rd July). However, Mummy would be following Aunt for this trip. The October trip has to be confirmed again, as we'll need to wait for cousin to finish his PSLE. Let’s see how everything goes.

Money is not everything. But without money, you cannot do anything.

Monday, June 26, 2006

I SHOULD run tonight, but will I??

1 red apple
2 slices of bread with luncheon meat and egg
1 slice of tuna bread

Roast chicken drumstick with french fries and vegetables

Tea break
2 slices of bread with luncheon meat and egg
1 packet of fish muruku snack

*bread prepared by Janice

It's so weird that with all the food that entered my stomach, I do not have the very full (bloated) feeling. I know that it's because its nearing to the time of the month, but 5 slices of bread in a day = my breakfast for 1 week!!!

Will thave to update on the kelong trip latest by tmr, else I'll delay till who knows when...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Mini Fruit Tarts

After seeing on a food blog on how easy it is to do mini fruit tarts, I'vedecided to try my hands on it last weekend.

All the ingredients were actually bought from Phoon Huat, all we had to do was to mix the instant custard and the rest was just "assembling" them together.

- super instant custard mix
- mirror gel- ready made tarts
- kiwi
- canned peaches

Haha, again Mummy and Sis were roped in to help in this mini cooking session. As we do not have a mixer, time was spent mixing the custard. With the custard done, everything was done pretty fast and in a proper manner.

I brought most of the tarts to office and packed a box of 6 for Lx, Hr and Ghaya. I'm glad that everyone gave positive feedback. *beams*

Asked if I'll do it again??
Not if there are special occasions (I'm already thinking of doing it for the next CNY).

A simple but fulfilling day

It was a day out with Sis on last Saturday. We were so excited about this simple day out that we even came out with an itinerary.

1st stop was breakfast @ Bishan Mac Donald's as I had craving for their sausage egg mac muffin. Mummy tagged along but she told us that she's full and we do not have to order her a meal. Haha anyway we got her a big breakfast and shared!! We sat @ Mac for an hour and Mummy even ordered the mac chicken burger... keke hungry ladies.

2nd stop was to the temple @ Balestier with Sis while Mummy went to Grandma's house first to alter our dresses.

3rd stop, we went back to Toa Payoh central for a quick shopping session. Girls being girls, Sis bought 2 tops and a necklace within half an hour. Seeing that time was running out, we quickly got our paus for our teatime and went to Phoon Huat to buy my fruit tarts ingredients before rushing off to Grandma's house as we were off the time schedule as planned. Keke

Finally, my 1st tailored dress by Mummy is done!! Will update pics next week after Ghaya's wedding. Oh yah, heard that someone is wearing jeans to her wedding *roll eyes *

Friday, June 16, 2006

Dinner @ Pepper Lunch

After the talk @ APMI yesterday, Sis and I headed to Dhoby Ghaut as I’ve always wanted to try Pepper Lunch. I had the curry beef rice while Sis had the normal beef rice. Actually, I find the food ok only and it’s quite expensive for a meal there (minimum $8.50). Don’t think I’ll be heading there anymore unless I’ve sudden craving for beef rice.

This post is just a quick update on my “I want to eat @” list as I’m tired to write down more on the trip to APMI and This Fashion…

Like that how to work???

I received a very stupid email this morning from one of the managers. His email was something like he will not hold responsible if I were to schedule auditors for jobs if they're not of that level. I fully understand that I need to schedules for jobs accordingly to certain guidelines but do I have so many auditors for me to schedule on that. OMG!!! I can’t believe he wrote that in email and it simply display how unprofessional he is.

Anyway, there are so many restrictions to getting my job done here. But as mentioned before, there's nothing I can do about it and I wont want to get to stress over it. It's time to play "tai-chi" like what everyone is doing...

To think that I actually got so stressed last week that my neck lymph node swelled. *sigh*

Monday, June 12, 2006

Bring It On - Samba Masala

The performance by Samba Masala (SMU) last night was great!!! Despite the wet weather which did not stop till 5.30 pm, there were still many people who popped by to watch. Together with our self made “drum sticks” (my idea, keke) and the group’s enthusiasm; we think the crowd pretty much enjoyed themselves.

. "drum sticks" . balloons .

After the performance, ZR and I helped to clear up and waited for Sis to settle some stuffs before heading to Chomp Chomp for dinner. *yumz*

. sugar cane drink . satay bee hoon . pizza .

. chwee kuay . bbq chicken wings . fried carrot cake .
not in pic - delicious pork porridge

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Discussion on Pengerang Kelong Trip

As SH had her last day @ work last Wednesday, I volunteered to be “in charged” for ther leaving gift. My idea was to do a digi scraping, get a photo frame and write our well wishes on the back of the printed photo. After a couple of tries for the perfect font, paper and pictures, I showed the rest on the finished photo. However, the negative comments were more than the positive ones. People commented that they look fat in the picture... Well, sorry, but I still have not acquired the skills of making someone look slim with Photoshop. So they suggested that I remove the main picture and replace it with some other “nicer” pic.. *roll eyes*

Anyway, I’ve just redone it and will be printing it out later. And I don’t care anymore if you think you look fat or ugly. *hmph*

On another note, I met up with the gals on Thursday night for a quick dinner @ Miss Clarity Café.

. miss clarity café . salmon baked rice . clarity’s triple deck sandwich .
. chicken bollatine . mud ooze . bread and butter pudding with vanilla ice cream .

We discussed about our confirmed Pengerang Kelong Trip and got so excited over this 2 days 1 night trip.

I’ve written down the checklist and will be sending it over to them soon. Haha, it’s so funny that we’re “planning” so much for this very short trip. Well, we don’t expect it to be a blasting trip but it’s still an experience worth going for.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I'm feeling like a

- rubber band which might snap anytime, anywhere
- water dam whose gates almost gave way

Monday, June 05, 2006

Impromptu Session with the Gals

Met up with Lx for an high tea (Imperial Treasure) cum shopping session on Saturday. It had been a long time since we last met due to her exams, therefore there was lots of catching up. After filling out stomachs, we headed to Suntec City as she wanted to check out the PC show.

It was such a coincidence that Hr was working part time at a book fair @ Suntec. So we popped by to say hi and “caught” her watching the Chinese educational show opposite her booth instead of working.. haha. We chatted for awhile before leaving for shopping at Marina Square as we’ll be meeting her for dinner after her work @ 8pm.

Dinner was at Country Manna's, after which Lx treated us to dessert at Swensens.. *yumz* Though it was an impromptu meet up, it was a really fun “gossip” session (esp when the last time we met up with Hr was 4 mths ago…)

Fine Dining @ Garibaldi

To make use of the UOB - 1-1 dining delight, I treated Mummy to Garibaldi. At first, I made a booking for buffet at Grand Copthrone Waterfront hotel, but after hearing Sis raved about Garibaldi, we changed our decision.

Though the price would cost 2.5x more, I though it was a great opportunityto try out Italian fine dining.So, I took my polling day leave in lieu on Monday (29th May), dressed up and went for it.

Upon reaching, the staff told us to get comfortable and after our order was taken, we were served with warm crispy focaccia bread to be dipped in olive oil. They waiter refilled the bread automatically when he sees that one finishes the bread. Haha, Mummy loved the bread!!! I had a glass of white wine while Mummy had the red wine upon recommendation by the staff. We had the gourmet menu which consist of the following:

. Crab Salad with Avocado, Cherry Tomatoes and Orange & Saffron Sauce .
. Pan-roasted Goose Liver with Spicy Apricot Chutney, Endives & Balsamic Vinegar .
. Angel Hair Pasta with Lobster, Sweet Peas and Tomato Sauce .
. Beef Tenderloin with Porcini Mushrooms .
. Molten Lava Chocolate Cake with Hazelnut Icecream and Coconut Sauce .
. Coffee or Tea .
Though the portions of the dishes were of “tasters”, we were already full after the beef tenderloin. However, the molten lava chocolate cake was not to be missed!!! Paired with the hazelnut ice cream, it was simply divine… *ahhhh*

I’m gald that Mummy and I enjoyed the delicious lunch and it was truly a nice fine dining experience :-)

Out of Control

There are many things in my job which can occur that are not within my control.

I'm hating it as I can only pray that "chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zi" and everything goes well from there.

I dont like it when I have to deal with office politics and put on a mask at times.

I'm having a slight headache now as I'm been stressing out since I started work this morning.

Therefore, here I'm writing this post to "rest" for awhile.

p/s: I still have outstanding post on my lunch @ Garibaldi and Saturday Girl's Day Out, till then...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dragon Boat Festival aka Duan Wu Jie

Mummy decided to try her hands on doing rice dumplings for this year’s Dragon Boat Festival. Though today is the official Duan Wu Jie, she started her preparation last Thursday and the wrapping was done on Friday. The amount of time and effort spent resulted on tasty dumplings which tasted almost the same which her friend did.

Of course, there’s still room for improvement, but being the 1st time doing it, we gave Mummy positive comments. keke. She did the second batch yesterday, this time tastier but smaller (it’s like half the size of a normal dumpling) :p I brought one each to my colleagues and I’m glad that they like it too. Might be giving Ghaya another one as she likes dumplings a lot… keke

Up next on the try out menu: Butter cake!!! *slurp*

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I want a bowl of fishball noodle!

I'm so craving for a bowl of fishball noodles now... Gonna grab one packet with extra vinegar after my FOC ear candling session later. Can't wait! *slurp*
It's not helping that the pic which was taken from here has other food which looks sooo delicious....

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Just not my taste

After seeing many online posts raving about peanut butter + marmite spread on bread, I decided to be an "extra" and bought a bottle of marmite too.

Told Mummy to spread a thin layer of marmite as I'm not sure if I'll like it. And as predicted by Sis and Mummy, it was definitely not my taste of liking. The marmite was salty and together with the peanut butter, it was sure an acquired taste (0.O)

Guess we should just stick to marmite in porridge or soups from now...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Pasta Mania Buffet @ CPF Building

Went for Pasta Mania ala carte buffet mania @ CPF building with my colleagues today. I made a reservation for 6.30 but we reached there only at 7pm. Luckily, they saved the table for us.

. poster 1 . garlic bread and mushroom soup . beef bolognese . chicken wrap .
. marinara . pork stew . stuffed squid rings . crispy beancurd/saba fish/dory fish/lime chicken .
. shrimp toast . banana dessert pizza . poster 2 .
not in pic: bacon parcel, lemon grass drink

The pizzas, wraps, salad, soup, brownie were on the buffet table while the pastas and side dishes were cooked when ordered. That was rather nice as the pasta was steamy hot when arrived and like their beef bolognese. The side dishes were nothing to shout about as most were deep fried food, however the banana chocolate pizza was nice for dessert.

For a price of $12 nett, it was certainly value for money even if you head there for the few choices of pasta only. Might be going there on the 2nd June again with my poly friends....

Friday, May 19, 2006


Mount Merapi erupted, so did the pimples on my left cheek. *Sigh* Thankfully, my beautician helped do the extraction FOC AGAIN when I popped by yesterday evening.

We seriously don't know what caused the sudden breakout as I've been sleeping early, drinking lots of water this week, watching over my diet etc..... She mentioned that it's infection and she actually predict it to happen last year, and it's consider "late" that it happened now *gasp*

I believe my complexion will be cleared like how it used to be. I'll just give myself some more time...

I believe, therefore it will!

update - 17:00 hrs
Someone is getting on my nerves!!!!!

- He finished audit early and knock off without coming back to the company. And yet can complain that they dont have enough days back in office to do their paperwork.
- Gives stupid comments like "auditors have to look for dates if they were to die" due to their pack schedules.
- Tell me to to change the auditors which I've paired him up with as he dont wish to work with the other auditor.

Oh pleasee.... that's so unprofessional and silly of him to put it in email to me (I could simply forward to the managament and seek their advice). I'll just rant it on my blog for now till the day when I really can't take it and it'll be in to the small room with the manager to give my feedback! *hmph*

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Crustless Quiche - A Success?

So I woke up @ 8.30am on Sunday to do my crustless quiche. But Mummy asked me to have my breakfast 1st which led me to thinking if she doesn't want me to do the quiche for fear that I'll mess up the kitchen. After Sis woke up and we had our breakfast, I started mixing the eggs, ap flour etc while Sis placed the ham and cheese in each mini pan and Mummy pre-heat the oven.

After 30 mins of baking, the quiche were ready!!!! However, I don't know why it looks so puffed up at the top (like muffins)
Surprise surprise, the quiche are edible. haha Not very very nice, but still acceptable for a novice like me (us)..

. mix . out from oven .
. crustless quiche . fillings .

Mummy and I are thinking of getting a cake mixer during the GGS. So baking every weekend?? keke

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Saturday with Sis

I have a mental block on writing today. Therefore, I’ll do this post in point form:

- Went to Standard Chartered to open e-saver account
- Plan to have lunch @ Chin Chin was ruined due to the rain
- Had light lunch @ Thos S.B. Raffles, shared the Thos S.B pie and earl grey tea
- Walked to Chin Chin but saw Hock Lam Beef noodle
- Had the kway tiao beef while Sis had the mix soup
- Walked to Bugis Village
- Bought 6 pairs of earrings for $10
- Ate banana and chocolate pancake and oolong tea
- Bought biscuits and papadam
- Went to Burlington Sq to check if they bring in my Korean sweet, thank god they do!
- Took the wrong bus and ended up @ Millennia Walk
- Took free shuttle bus to City Hall MRT
- Bought mozerella cheese and honey baked ham for my quiche on Sunday

. Thos S.B. Raffles . early grey tea . Thos S.B pie .
. dry kway tiao beef . mix soup . banana and chocolate pancake .

Mother's Day Lunch

We (actually was Sis) treated Mummy to Wak Lok @ Carlton for dim sum lunch on Fridy. Nothing special there but we ordered too many dishes till we’ll have to pack the ½ peking duck back home.

- lotus rice
- ½ peking duck
- steamed carrot cake
- chicken feet
- har kow
- char siew pineapple bun
- steamed chive dumplings
- beef balls

. wah lok . char siew pineapple bun .
. dishes . peking duck .

After lunch, we shopped around Raffles City for awhile before settling down at Coffee Club for some tea/coffee as I’ve the $25 voucher from M1. Nothing special too, just a simple day out with Mummy.

Random from the office

My colleague told me that my previous reporting officer told her that I'm a smart girl and I learnt things fast when I was working under him. Though its a compliment, I felt rather weird on why he'll talk to her about me as I'm now under another RO.
He also mentioned that he'll "protect" me from any office politics (ongoing thing here) like before...
I'll try my best to continue working well with his team like before as the devil in me used to have a bad thought of not helping him generate letters etc anymore since I'm no longer under him...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Bonding Session @ Dome

Sis and I had a bonding session on Wednesday night after my trip to Suntec and her meeting at the CC. Actually the plan was to have dinner @ the newly opened HK Café at Novena but as predicted, her meeting ended late at 8.30pm which was the time I reached Bishan, therefore we changed the venue to Bishan CC’s Dome instead.

. menus.
. carbonara . cheese crackers with mashed potatoes . chicken & mushroom tart .

It had been quite some time since we chatted (abt a week) since I was already in bed or getting ready for bed when she reached home for the past week. As usual, I ranted about my work and people who’s crossed my path, my encounter with different “smell” on the train, stupid jokes of mine etc…

Based on my “I want to eat @” list, we’ll sure have many choices for our next bonding session. Haha…

Thursday, May 11, 2006

"Just JJ" World Tour

I'm thinking of watching "Just JJ" World Tour (Singapore) 2006.
But the best seat (Category 1) is $128. And the category 4 tickets ($88) has only single seats available. Category 5 of $68 is affordable but what I'll see on stage would be a miniature JJ Lin and will have to rely on the big side screens.
Another concern is to look for someone to accompany me. Haiz...

Update (12/5/06): $130 for a 2 hour concert is quite costly. $70 for the last 7 row seats does not sound like we’ll be able to enjoy the concert. Final decision made after a 1 hour plus discussion with Lx was not to go… :(


Yesterday after work, I went to Suntec as my previous customer had some problems with his computer and he's willing to pay me to go down and have a look.

The boss knew how much I charged as I've been to his other branch just last week, and they too paid me even though I wanted to assist through the phone. The manager then asked if I was busy and cannot go down, I told her that if I can solve it through the phone, they can save the $$. She then said "I'll rather you come down as I really don't know how to meddle with PCs"

The boss don't even mind giving me my transport fees if they face the problem again today as the computer was ironically fine yesterday. That's what I call a true professional businessman!!! Which is why I'll be willing to drop by if I happen to be around that area to see if they've any issues.

To think that some others would want to save that minimal charge fee and stop using the software entirely..... duh

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A Visit to NUH

We went to NUH after work today as Rajes was admitted to hospital for severe headache. Wanted to get a hamper at first but decided to get flowers, fruits, snacks from NTUC instead.

Like many, I don’t like the feeling of going to hospitals. It’s uncomfortable seeing the sick/elderly lying on their beds and thinking of the pain they’re going through. As we went around dinner time, the ward smelt of food instead of medicines. But still, I don’t like it. Anyway the doctor suspects that she might have contracted dengue fever and she’ll be discharged only at the end of next week. Hope she gets well soon!!!

. flowers in the office .

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Pancake Flop

Woke up at 8am this morning despite having 3 hour of sleep only to prepare my long- anticipated pancakes. I bought Bisquick as I can use them for my next "project" - crustless quiche instead of the pre-mixed pancakes. I knew it was a wrong choice when I smelt the mixture of eggs, Bisquick and milk. It smelt so "floury"... We did 4 pancakes and luckily there's steamed paus for breakfast backup. The pancakes did not taste nice and I think this will be my last time doing pancakes with all purpose flour. Hopefully, the quiche will turn out well... :p

HK Cafe and KTV @ the East

I went to the temple alone today to return my blessings as I promised to do so if I were to pass my driving test.

After which, I walked aimlessly @ Toa Payoh central till 2.15pm as I wanted to get the Tiong Bahru pau which opened only at that time. I then went to NTUC to get Bisquick all purpose flour and maple syrup as I wanted to do pancakes for tomorrow’s breakfast
After buying the long awaited paus, I went home to have my late lunch or rather tea time of 2 paus, surfed the net and had a nap @ 5.30 as I’ll be meeting Janice and her friends for dinner around 8pm.

Janice picked me up @ 8pm and we headed to Hong Kong Café @ east coast. Her air stewardess friend – Lynn was very very approachable and kept us entertained during the journey with her stories of being an airline crew.

I ordered the stir fried beef hor fun and ice milk tea float. The hor fun was super salty which I ate only mouthfuls while I enjoyed the milk tea float. After dinner, Lynn suggested to go KTV. Since it was still early, we went to Marine Parade K-Box to hit the notes...
We sang till 2am before Janice sent us all home. Poor her, reached home only at 3.30am!!

Despite being ready for bed at 3.30am, I only managed to fall asleep around 4.45 am - guessed it might be the milk tea (-.-)

Friday, May 05, 2006


have a break-out on my left cheek and I'm feeling so inferior :(

get upset/angry when I "sense" people looking at my face :(

am hesitating on whether I should go to my ex-customer's place or Monday for fear that they'll ask me what happened :(

need to sleep early and avoid soy products as advised by my beautician :(

wonder when this will be through.... :(

Monday, May 01, 2006

Cloths and Needles @ Chinatown

After the potluck party on Sat, I meet Mummy and Sis @ Chinatown as Sis wanted to get some ribbons. It’s my 1st time to People’s Park Complex after the renovation. I’m amazed by the big change to there now. There’re many shops selling clothes imported from HK and Taiwan and of course those shops selling bolts of cloths/materials/buttons etc.

We spent about 2 hours there and I bought a polka dot material for Mummy to do me a dress. I’m so excited as I’ve been pestering for a long time to help me do one since she did 2 tube dresses for Sis previously. Keke. Though I’ve not thought of what kindda dress I want, Mummy suggested a simple tube. Well, I guess I’ll just leave it to my “designer” then.. haha

. belt & earrings . ribbons and laces . cloths for my dress .

After our mini shopping @ People’s Park, we had Chinese dessert of walnut cream and mango with sago ice as Sis wanted to try Singapore’s standard of walnut cream. After her recent trip to HK, she mentioned that the walnut cream there is fantastic therefore she’s still trying to find one in Sg which is comparable to HK.

Wanted to try the pies at Thos S.B. Raffles but it was sold out so we decided to settle our dinner @ Miss Clarity Café. I was too full from the party while Mummy and Sis had the following:

. menu . chicken ballotine. chicken bake rice

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Potluck Party organized by ME!

Ok, other than a few hiccups we (Ghaya and I) faced in the beginning of the party, I’m glad to say the party turned out to be quite successful.

Everyone turned up with “flowers” in their attire other than Shirlyn (host) who used her plastic sunflower found at her home for the theme. Though we did not play any games, Shirlyn’s wedding video kept us entertained. The foods prepared by individuals were delicious!!! I like Ann’s sambal stingray. *slurp* Well, I did not cook mine, Mummy helped me prepare the ngo hiang the day before and pan fried it for me before I left in the morning. keke

. ngo hiang . vegetables . sambal stingray .
. curry chicken . fried rice . sushi .
. chicken wings . aga aga/almond logan/watermelon . chocolate royal .
not in pic: garlic bread, calabee potato chip, more fruits, mango pudding)

After having the food and dessert, it’s time for the early birthday celebration for Ying wei and Rajes. We took out the cake from the kitchen and sang the birthday song and they were really surprised! After having the cake, at about 3pm, we left Shirlyn’s house and I proceeded to Chinatown to meet Mummy and Sis.

It’s actually fun to have such parties as everyone brings a dish and the host need not prepare the food. Though we used Shirlyn’s house for the party, I’m glad that Ghaya was around to help me (the organizer) get things right. It’s my first time organizing such parties and I’m proud to say that it went pretty fine and I hope they had a good time. If not for me being so paranoid to have my house “dirtied”, I’ll surely open up my ouse for parties, but but but… I guess I’ve to think through it carefully 1st before sending out any invitations… keke

Friday, April 28, 2006

Dinner @ Crystal Jade Palace

As Crystal Jade Palace is still under renovation, they've temporary shifted down to the 2nd level and occupy Hui Cui which sells Shanghainese food.

. entrance . wallpaper . roast pork .
. pan fried fish . river shrimp sautéed with a salted duck egg yolk sauce . claypot chicken with garlic .
. local spinach with assorted eggs . gui ling gao . deep fried mango ice cream .

As usual, we ordered the roast pork pan fried fish which tasted still as good. This time we tried something new - river shrimp sautéed with a salted duck egg yolk sauce. It was very nice but it’ll be better to stop after taking one shrimp as it's actually quite rich in taste. Also ordered a claypot chicken with garlic which was ok and local spinach with assorted eggs which was incomparable to what we had at Nan Bei Imperial Treasure. It tasted weird and we’ll definitely not order that in future. Sis wanted to try their walnut cream for dessert; however they did not have it today. Daddy had the gui ling gao as usual and I tried their deep fried mango ice cream which was tasted normal.

Ok, I know this is a boring post… Check out tomorrow’s exciting potluck party update.
Sneak preview:

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Wardrobe Malfunction

You don’t hear it only on Hollywood stars. It happened to yours truly on this rainy morning.

I was wearing a dress with a zip by the left and I actually forgot to zip it up! I was informed by a very very kind soul only when I reached the MRT station.

Having traveled from my house blk to the bus stop to boarding the bus, not a single person told me. Not even a stupid biatch who obviously would have noticed it as I was standing in a position, which she couldn’t have missed seeing it. And on the bus, I was standing and holding on the pole with my left hand. Gosh, I wonder how many people on the bus have seen it. Luckily, I wore a black tube, which was rather long inside my dress, else I cannot imagine the amount of flesh I'll expose in an early morning (-.-")

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Journey to Class 3 Driving License

Start off date: 30/11/05
Amount spent: $1,819.05
Total number of lessons: 39
Frequent car used: 43
Common mistake made during revision: 39 (fail to use appropriate gear)

Final Destination
Date: 25/4/06
Time: 15.45
Test car: 35
Number of demerits points: 18
Result: PASSED

Regardless of it being Pure Luck / Good Traffic Conditions / Not Bad Weather (drizzling) / Enough Practice;

I’m thankful for what I’ve received.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Annual Dinner and Dance @ Swissotel

Last night's D & D was pretty fun I should say. However, the people at our table were not very enthusiastic when playing some games but we still won 2 of the table games though. Keke.

I, so called "volunteered" to participate in the Ms Glamour section as A did not want to though everyone in our table voted for her. I was their second choice, not that it matters as it’s all for the sake of having fun. Gosh, I think I embarrassed myself when we (S and I ) were told to dance to the music. And of course, S was great!!! I was like going around tables asking them for the roses which was a decorative piece on each table. The MC then said “eh eh, why are you asking flowers from people” *digs a hole and hides face* Anyway S, won obviously, she was hot!!! HahaI hope nobody remembers what I did for that “performance”.

I won the 17th prize for the lucky draw - $20 Takashimaya voucher (at least I won something yeah). Our new company buyer even added a grand draw which was a trip to Germany (HQ) for 2 individuals and I think it was a real surprise to everyone as it was really unexpected draw/prize.

Games and Ah Gua show (stand up comedian show for dirty jokes) added entertainment to the night. Though, there was really a dance after dinner, obviously nobody stayed behind it was a dinner (like past years) to everyone who attended.

Overall, I had fun dressing up for the event and taking tons of pictures with my colleagues, playing the table games etc. Hopefully, there’ll still be D & D for the next years to come and we’ll "party" again!!!

chinese dinner menu
. smoked fish and prawn salad combination .
. braised shark's fin soup with shredded abalone and crab meat .
. pan-fried scallops with assorted vegetable served in crispy basket.
. deep-fried crispy chicken with sweet walnuts and prawn crackers .
. stir-fried broccoli with sea cucumber and dried mushrooms.
. steam live grouper with crispy broad bean paste .
. deep-fried sesame seaweed roll stuffed with minced seafood .
. fried glutinous rice with assorted preserved meat .
. chilled green tea pudding with fresh milk.
. chinese tea .

Friday, April 21, 2006

Ulcer = Talk less

I've ulcer on my gums near my wisdom tooth and it's hurting me like crazy. However it might be a good thing as it prevents me from talking too much . I tend to be very direct at times in front for my colleagues when I'm not thinking in the same frequency as them. With so, I might offend them unknowingly.

Having said that, there were a few issues which my perceptions were not in sync with them yesterday. But I won't put in here as you'll never know who's reading it, of course my Sis and closer friends will sure hear me rant... keke

Bought six bottles of "Three Legs Colling Water" from NTUC to reduce the heatiness in my body. Heard from my colleague that drinking it will help the ulcer go away faster. Hope it works for me...